Saturday, August 08, 2015


It may seem vague but it’s actually safe to assume that
most women have faked an orgasm more than once. As a
matter of fact, some women fake almost all of their
orgasms which may make us assume that we all are great
It is actually difficult for a man to know if his woman has
had an orgasm. There may be no trace at all that it has
occurred! No trace of any liquid being ejaculated or signs of
“coming down” from climax. This makes it difficult to
blame women for faking orgasms, don’t you think so?
Don’t get us wrong, this article does in no way attempt to
shame the dignity of women. There are justifiable reasons
why women fake orgasms. The following are just common
reasons as to why women they do and we hope this will
help you initiate safe and inspiring conversations with your
sexual partner.

Women when they are with a new guy are mostly
concerned with pleasing him.
This is a fact that try as much as they may, women can’t
deny that they’re so concerned about the new guy that they
think little of themselves. Sadly, above all the things
women do to please, they want to make sure their partner
ejaculates. It in a way gives them some sort of assurance
that they’ve been successful. His ejaculation means they
pleased him, they’ve won but they aren’t pleased

It often takes women time to share the things that gets
them going.
Women might have a need to feel secure in the relationship
coupled with feeling that their partners need to understand
their desires and fantasies before they can be able to reach
an orgasmic state. It could be she’s open to using sex toys
or she wants to get kinky in other ways. She may enjoy
being on top or want you to touch her in specific places.
Whatever the case may be, women expect you’d show
understanding and patience especially since they’re getting
to know you better.

Sometimes sex is painful for women.
There are times in which sexual intercourse is painful for
women especially when they are on their period or close to
it. More so, it is painful all the time for some women. The
presence of endometriosis or ovarian cysts may be
responsible for the pain just as birth control pills can also
be responsible for the pain by making the lining of the
vaginas thinner and more sensitive too. Some women on
the other hand have experienced sexual trauma which may
have a psychological effect on them.

Some women may
not be able to orgasm as easily or in different positions as
they’d love to.
It may be wise to consider discussing this
with a partner that’s comfortable with sharing as many
positions as we’d like to.
Women can feel vulnerable (just like men) in expressing
their orgasm.
You may find a woman feeling all sweaty or making some
funny and weird faces when she’s way into the sweaty sex
act. Truth is sex makes everyone vulnerable as one can
never be too sure of what will happen when she relaxes
and flow with the act. It could be that there was a time
she orgasmed and some pee came out which was
embarrassing to say the least. The human body can be
unpredictable which is a good thing if taken with a light

Lots of women don’t know how to orgasm during sex.
This is not because they haven’t thought of ways to go
about it but simply because it has never happened to them
even though they’ve tried a lot of things. Certain
medications and antidepressants make it a herculean task
sometimes almost impossible to orgasm. There are
women who only reported getting an orgasm at a gym,
while laughing real hard and some in their sleep. Women
who can’t orgasm during sex often are frustrated by it, and
may only want to have sex because it makes them feel
good in other ways. Such as the feel of how their partner
touches their nipples. Stuff like that make women feel
intimate and close to their partners.
Ladies, you might want to try out an array of things such
as masturbation – if you’re open to it. It can be a good way
of determining what would make you orgasm. Try a lot of
different things. Use lube. Use toys. Lay on your belly. Lay
on your back. Try the corner of a table. Make sounds.
There is nothing wrong with you neither is anything wrong
with faking orgasms. Do what’s right for your body in y

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